In 30 Days You Can Know Who You Are But Do You Want To?

A Day Journey To Enlightenment.

Tom C
4 min readNov 6, 2021
Photo by Aaron Thomas on Unsplash

Don’t let anyone tell you that enlightenment is a difficult thing to achieve.

Don’t believe that you need to sit still every day for an hour for ten years straight or that you need a guru or Zen master to beat you with a stick whilst reciting weird Koans.

There is a mystery and allure to enlightenment that is pure bullshit. It is one of the most monopolised concepts out there and no one can even agree on what it is and what it means.

Everyone has their own idea, including me but I also know it is something you can learn for yourself and quickly. Whoever you are, there are only a few basic requirements.

  1. You have to want to experience it
  2. You have to believe that you can.
  3. You must understand that it is a never-ending process of further understanding.

There is no mystical state that once you arrive at you are there forever, in reality, that is a delusion.

There is no secret knowledge that only a few know and that can be yours if you earn it or sacrifice your dignity to receive it. No sir, that is called control and manipulation. The chief strategy of religions and spiritual systems since time…

