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Why I’m ditching weights except for maybe the barbell deadlift

Tom C
1 min readMar 6, 2023


I turned 40 last year. I’ve been a regular gym goer since 2009. Things have changed since then; my body and goals have changed too.

I see some people still doing the same shit. Bicep curls, weird cable stuff and exercises that I know with 100% certainty are doing nothing for the person doing it. Fourteen years in the gym will teach you that.

I got away from static weights sessions. I’ve focused on CrossFit-style HIT with weights and gotten very fit for it.

But I’m stopping all of that now. I will focus on yoga and callisthenics.

Why? Because I want to see what my body is capable of before I am too old.

I want to develop my physicality to its potential. Bodyweight training provides a way to do that.

What are your fitness goals for 2023?

