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Three things that you can do for 30 days that will change your momentum

Tom C
1 min readMar 4, 2023


  1. Slow deep breathing in the morning and the evening before bed. Some call this meditation, but you are really just slowing down your nervous system, which will calm your mind. Stick with it; you will see a massive difference in your mental state. Words like ‘it’s ok’ will arise from your subconscious mind.
  2. Write in your journal every evening. Ask yourself what you did right, what could be improved and what you want to do tomorrow. Just doing this process for 30 days can bring life-changing benefits.
  3. Go for a long brisk walk for at least 30 mins after dinner. Walking gets the blood flowing and the mind in sync with the body. When life gets you down, movement is the antidote. Action helps. Sitting down and stewing is the worst thing anyone can do.

