The Muse.

She may come for you too. If you do the work.

Tom C


Photo by Victor Malyushev on Unsplash

Diligence produces inspiration because it shows respect to the goddess. Genius and brilliance do not earn her favor. She prefers sweat. — Steven Pressfield

I read a lot of Steven Pressfield. Whatever I can get my hands on. He’s my biggest influence when it comes to showing up and putting in the work. Day in and day out. He’s the reason I am typing this post at 0700 on a windy Sunday morning.

You see I have been writing everyday for the last four months. I haven’t had a break. Content, content and more content. Most of it rehashed ideas from self help books, thrown in with some personal oversharing that I may one day come to regret.

I have no real style or direction, that will come later. Right now I am honing my craft. Putting words on digital paper and pressing publish. Every day.

Steven was the first artist to introduce me to the concept of the Muse. To him the Muse is that spark of creativity from the recesses of our collective unconscious. The deliverer of all good ideas that were and ever will be. She is definitely a woman.

From the first draft of bugs bunny to the original code that started the bitcoin movement. She comes and whispers what you need to hear when you need to hear it.

