100 Days To Own Your 2022

Start the year hard and watch it go your way

Tom C
2 min readDec 20, 2021
Photo by ABDALLA M on Unsplash

Now is the time to start thinking about 2022.

If 2021 passed you by it’s ok, it’s done and nothing can change that. Let it go, dust yourself off and promise yourself that 2022 will be your year.

It will be your year. Again, it WILL be your year.

Yes there are many variables outside of our control. Viruses, layoffs and the economy but we are always in a postion to do more and do better. There are always actionable strategies to start moving in the direction of our dreams. Always.

Regardless of where you are right now. Even if you lost everything this year and nobody is returning your calls. Next year is your year. The year you finally start to take your life back. One day at a time.

Perhaps it is the year that starts a ten year cycle of growth. Perhaps it is the year that the sun finally starts to shine through the clouds. Whatever next year is, it is your year.

Here is what you can do strategically to have your best shot.

Make the first 100 days the flywheel and build so much momentum you are moving for the rest of the year.

Make whatever it is you want to do your prioritry. It could be walking a step after an accident or…

